Andy Lickel
I love the Lord and is grateful for all the blessings God has given me. I live just south of Stevens Point with my family, which includes my wife Joanna and 3 boys- Micah, James, and Ethan.
I am an ordained minister with the Reformed Church and my day job is working on college campuses across Wisconsin with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. When I am not on the road, I enjoy raising pigs, chickens and vegetables, fishing, hunting, hiking, running and pretty much anything outside, and I am always reading at least one good book.
I love Community Church and am happy to be able to serve as an elder. I especially appreciate our church's focus on Scripture and mission. We are Christ-centered, gospel-saturated, and work to emphasize the practicality of our belief in every aspect of our lives. I want to see us continue to grow in love for God, God's Word, and God's people and to live into our citizenship in God's Kingdom.