James 2:12-13- So speak and so act...
Our text this morning is found in James 2:12-13 but I would also like to read 14-26 as well as we prepare ourselves to discuss the...
Inter-Varsity Message- Galatians 4:8-20
This evening I am going to work my way through our text which is Galatians 4:8-20 . The churches of Galatia were in an area that the...
James 2:8-13- James Confronts Sin With The Law
Let’s read James 2:8-13 this morning, “ If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture , “You shall love your neighbor...
Acts 14:8-18: God's Power To Make Us Walk In A New Way: Jail Ministry 10/17/24
Acts 14:8-18, “ 8 Now at Lystra there was a man sitting who could not use his feet. He was crippled from birth and had never walked. 9 He...
James 2:1-7- Five Gracious Virtues Of These Poor Dishonored Christians
My friends, I have decided to spend one more week in this text because it can be so valuable to us as a congregation who will have to...
James 2:1-7 - James Addresses The Sin Of Partiality
Recently, I was reading a magazine from ‘ Voice of the Martyrs ’. There was a story about a couple who lives in an area where Muslim...
Community Church's Mission Statement Part 4- Surpassing Worth of Jesus Christ.
For the last several weeks the elders have been reviewing Community Churches Mission Statement . Each of our elders have taken certain...
Sunday School Week Three- True Grace
Review: We Are Statements The BIG 3 Sin Is Our Greatest Danger 12 Characteristics of Sin True Grace (p.39-42) Think about a particular...
Chad Gregory- Community Churches Vision To Treasure and Spread The Surpassing Worth Of Christ
Our vision statement here at Community Church reads as follows, let us say it together: As a people living side by side, Community...
Week Two: Sunday School on The Characteristics of Sin
Sunday School #2 – Characteristics of Sin https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d8ce9062d89533d477ccbfc/t/6222517d533cfc723ae97b7a/1646...