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Luke 8:1 The Messenger and His Message

Luke 8:1 says, “Soon afterward He went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God.

This morning in our community group we looked at Luke 8:1-21. There was a great deal to consider in this section of scripture. Overall, the theme is the Word of God and our response to it. Let me briefly make a few observations about this opening verse.

First, I really appreciate that Jesus went through the cities and villages. Recently, I emailed Steven Lawson and asked him to make his way up to Wisconsin to hold one of his expository teaching training sessions. Very few people make it up here to Wisconsin to do these things. He sends me his itinerary of events and most of them are always in bigger southern cities. Jesus, traveled to big cities and to smaller villages and He preached the good news of the kingdom of God to them.

Our denomination is known as a church planting organization. One of the challenges that we face is how we can reach the small towns and rural areas. We need to do this because Jesus desired to reach them. He cared enough to go to the small towns and so should we.

Secondly, I really appreciate the message that Jesus preached. He went to small villages and to the large cities preaching one message. The country folk needed the same message as the city folk. The urban people needed the same message as the farmers. He came preaching the good news about the kingdom of God.

Is it not true today that we need a bigger perspective then our little piece of this world. There are city issues and there are rural issues but we need to know that the kingdom of God is present among us. There are all sorts of issues that we hear discussed these days. In all honesty I am so tired of hearing about this world. I long for someone to come to us and preach the good news concerning the kingdom of God.

Thirdly, not only is this message concerning the kingdom of God needed but the messenger is needed too. The message is necessary and the messenger, Jesus Christ, is necessary. Consider Proverbs 25:25-26, “Like cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked.

Verse 25 shows us the refreshing nature of good news. Verse 26 shows us the importance of the messenger who bring this news to the people.” News is either helped or hindered by the character of the messenger. Jesus came preaching a powerful message and He was also a profound messenger. (What I just said is an understatement.) Jesus never muddied truth or polluted the fountain of his message by giving way to wicked men. He delivered a needed message before friend and foe alike. He never wavered or hesitated in this. Therefore, when the Word was delivered from His mouth it was refreshing when received by those who had ears to hear.


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