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Weekly Bulletin

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3-31-19: It’s been a long time.

What do elevators and orchestras have in common? They both may be very different had it not been for a man named Jubal in the OT.  Genesis 4:21 describes Jubal as the Father of music and credits him for being first to play the harp and flute (or the organ and lyre depending on translation).            

3-24-19: Purim (in Hebrew “lots”, “fate”) is a Jewish holiday that began Wednesday (3/20) at sundown. It commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people, as recorded in the OT book of Ester, when Haman the Agagite plotted to kill all the Jews because they refused to worship him. Purin is also known as the Festival of Lots. Find details on the Purim holiday from a Jewish perspective here:

3-17-19: China may be the world’s largest publishers of Bibles.  In mid-2016, the Amity Printing Company located in Nanjing, Jiangsu province marked the printing of its 150 millionth Bible!

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