Who We Are
Vision Statement
As a people living side-by-side, Community Church has a rich history deeply rooted in the local community. Our journey is a testament to the enduring faith and dedication of our members, and we continue to build on this strong foundation.
Mission Statement
As a people living side-by-side, Community Church exists to pursue the transformation of hearts and minds by treasuring and spreading the surpassing worth of Jesus.
Grace-Based Community
Making ourselves accessible as a family to disciple, nurture and bear one another’s burdens in all aspects of life.
God’s continuing grace enables us to hold one another accountable, resolve conflict, and restore relationships with a spirit of gentleness, love and forgiveness.
Community Groups are promoted as a central means by which we grow biblically and relationally side-by-side.
We gather for Sunday morning corporate worship and remembering Christ’s sacrifice through baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
There's a place for everyone here
Not only are Sundays a great time of fellowship at Community Church, our Community Groups meet regularly to study the Bible, worship, pray, and encourage one another. Children learn to discover God and follow Jesus one step at a time through our Christ-centered children’s Sunday School. Sunday School trains junior and senior high youth to make godly choices and become disciple-makers who change their world. College students connect with the church family through C-Groups, Sunday morning services, and other events as they work through their college careers. Opportunities abound for us to participate in missions in the surrounding community and many far-reaching parts of the world.

About Us
Community Church
Community Church will strive toward our vision by teaching, living, and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ locally and globally. Our core values are demonstrated practices that we exhibit as a body. Our set of core values outlines the biblical foundation through which these values are practiced.
Statement of Faith
By the Grace of God in Jesus Christ, we commit to teaching and defending the following Bible verses, humbly confessing that while we as humans are fallible, we believe that the following is the biblical framework for belief and practice to which God would have Community Church and its leaders adhere.
The Community Church Elder team follows a Biblical model of spiritual leadership by working alongside the Pastor and sharing equal authority. Please reference our bylaws page for more information on our Elder requirements.
Our Pastor
It is his desire to continue the strong tradition of solid biblical teaching that Community Church has always enjoyed, to engage with those in the church as we walk side-by-side together, and to continue to expand our evangelistic presence into our community through proclaiming the gospel of Christ.
Church History
In 1986, Ray and Jenifer Haas began Community Church with a handful of people who met regularly in a room at the local YMCA. Today, several of those original members are still here, and we are a healthy congregation that continually welcomes new people into its loving family of faith.